Our association
Rise for Kids
The non-profit organisation Rise for Kids * supports all children from families undermined by poverty (from birth to the age of 18), in Belgium.
We are strongly committed to the protection and development of children. Every child has the right to a quality education, healthy and balanced daily diet, health care adapted to his needs, access to sports, cultural and recreational activities.
In our society, we all have a fundamental social and educational role to play. Taking on our responsibilities is part of that. Thanks to everyone's involvement and optimism, to the teams working on the ground, to our partners and to your invaluable support, to get to the aim of all of us together is to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
We seek to offer the opportunity to grow up in dignity and develop potential to as many children as possible so they become responsible adults and citizens in their own right.
Your help is needed more than ever.
Let's build a positive future together!
* Rise for Kids is the heir to the former AMADE Belgium, 1966-2019.
"Poverty is not a choice and we refuse to allow it to become inevitable."
Rise For Kids
This well-being depends essentially on a healthy lifestyle .
▪︎ Contributing to the costs of school meals and thus allow children to have at least one hot meal a day.
▪︎ Raise children's awareness of a healthy and balanced diet, in particular through school meals and our " One fruit & one soup per day ".
▪︎ Allow access to sports and associative activities (camps, etc.) necessary for the development of the child, outside his family environment.
▪︎ Take charge of certain health care , treatments or medical equipment (physiotherapy sessions, speech therapy, acquisition of glasses, etc.).
▪︎ We are also very focused on the hygiene rules of the little ones .
Education is the cornerstone of our association: ensuring the training and development of children through quality education.
We are convinced that a thoughtful education contributes to reducing poverty, to promoting equality between the sexes and that it plays a role in favor of respect for fundamental human rights and the environment.
Our intervention consists of:
▪︎ Providing financial assistance to enabling young children to attend to kindergarden .
▪︎ Providing the necessary school equipment.
▪︎ Enabling access to cultural activities (theater, museums, artistic workshops, trips, ...) via our program " Culture , an island of treasures » , as well as sports and associative activities (camps, etc.) necessary for the development of the child, outside his family sphere.
▪︎ Intervening through our program A vegetable garden in my school ".
▪︎ Providing financial support to homework schools in the fight against dropping out of school as well as the creation of mixed activities allowing to understand the equality between girls and boys and workshops set up around the notions of good citizenship and respect for the environment.
Every child has the right to grow up in a loving family and in a healthy environment. In order to fight against the scourge of domestic accidents, our association has created an innovative program: the program " Prevention of domestic accidents and first aid » .
We provide training and workshops ourselves in schools, neighborhood centres, etc.
Our team
We are committed, enthusiastic, dynamic volunteers , anxious to help change things, to help as many children as possible find their rightful place in society.
Bernard Nicolay
Daniela d'Oreye de Lantremange
Isabelle de Tervarent
General secretary
Valentine de le Court
Jacqueline Vastapane
Rita Boustany
Manager of
Programs & Actions
Zita Almasy de Zsadany et Törökszentmiklos
Communication & Webmaster
Rita Boustany (manager)
Reem Boustany
Valentine de le Court
Daniela d'Oreye de Lantremange
Mrs Mirelle le Maistre d'Anstaing
Mrs Corinne Hizette
Mrs Hortense de Sadeleer
Countess Zita Almasy of Zsadany and Törökszentmiklos
Count and Countess Charles-Antoine d'Ansembourg
Count and Countess Olivier Armand
Ms Florine Asch
Mr and Mrs Jacques Berrebi
Baron and Baroness Beyens
Mrs Cathy Van Keer - Boghossian
Mrs Rita Boustany
Mrs Diane Brenninkmeijer
Mr Constantin Chariot
Mrs Sylvia Chiche
Mr and Mrs Xavier Deleval
Mr and Mrs Jan-Willem de Groot
Mr Leonardus Hendrikx
Baroness Paul Janssen
Mrs. Erol Kandiyoti
Mrs Valentine de le Court
Mr and Mrs Luc Luyten
Mrs Mélissa Kandiyoti
Count et Countess de Lannoy
Mr and Mrs Axel van der Mersch
Baron Thomas de Mevius
Her Excellency Mrs Dominique Mineur
Mr and Mrs Philippe Moorkens
Mr and Mrs Philippe Ralet
Mrs Thomas Spitaels ︎
Viscount et Viscountess Aymar de Talhouët
Marquis de Trazegnies
Prince and Princess Michel Troubetzkoy
Mrs Dino Vastapane
Mr and Mrs Guy Warlop-Aerden
Mr Gerald Watelet
We wholeheartedly thank all our friends of the honorary committee who trust us and support us in our fight against child poverty in Belgium.
Our contacts
Our main contacts are:
schools promoting positive discrimination
the youth protection services as well as the CPAS (Public Centers for Social Assistance),
ONE (Birth and Childhood Office), hospitals,
the Requests and Social Affairs Department of the Household of His Majesty the King with whom we work on the basis of files relating to children in need.
We study each file in a confidential way and in a spirit of total independence .