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Our achievements
Every day, we commit ourselves to fight against child poverty in Belgium.
Donations, sponsorships and funds raised during our activities are entirely devoted to our objectives .
Some achievements ...
Nice actions ...
Donation of around twenty tablets specifically aimed at supporting autistic children, allowing them, in everyday life, to better train...
Cultural visits.
We sponsored children of the Choir des Petits Chanteurs de Belgique by offering them to visit cultural centers in our country during the...
Stay in the mountains.
We have sponsored children living in reception centers or families in difficulty, in order to allow them to participate in a stay in the...
Education projects.
Gateway / primary In collaboration with the non-profit organization CARIA, these 2 projects will be able to see the light of day. The...
Holidays for everyone.
We allowed the 64 children of Notre Abri non-profit organization to participate in the weekly activities organized during the holidays:...
Cultural outing - musical.
With the invaluable help of Mélissa Kandiyoti, 60 children (from Magellan primary school) were able to attend the musical show "My ball...
Holidays for everyone.
We allowed the 64 children of Notre Abri non-profit organization to participate in the weekly activities organized during the holidays:...
Sports support.
A psychomotricity course of 11 meters was offered at the Magellan school (in the Marolles - Brussels). It allows children to gain balance...
A daily fruit.
Résultat de notre programme : 365 élèves de l'école Sint-Joris Basischool ont profité de fruits frais pendant une année scolaire
For our kids ...
Achat de 5 ordinateurs adaptés à l’enseignement spécialisé pour une dizaine d’enfants autistes.
Campagne « hygiène des tout-petits et ...
Attention danger !
Implementation of the "Prevention of domestic accidents and first aid" program. First training given to 5th year primary children from...
"Popy the girafe" ushers the children
The "Popy the Girafe" project funds : program currently deployed in 8 prisons. The team of psychologists from the Relais Enfants-Parents,...
" Be the change you wish to see in the world."
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